Page history
last edited
by Rob Darrow 10 years, 3 months ago
Connected Educator Month 2014
Blended Learning Strand Archives - October
Coordinated by CUE , Mike Lawrence and Rob Darrow
Check out the CUE Blended Learning Strand.
And join the Blended Teacher Network (It's Free!)
View the entire Connected Educator Month Calendar (October).
Webinar Archives
Blended Learning Panel 1: What is Blended Learning and What are the Best Implementation Strategies? (Oct. 6, 2014)
- Discussed the ongoing definition of blended learning and implementation strategies.
- Panel Members Heather Staker, Christensen Institute; Allison Powell, iNACOL; Mike Lawrence, CUE; and Rob Darrow, Blended Teacher Network
- Recording Here. *** Slide deck here.
Blended Learning Panel 2: Blended Learning and Teaching. What does it take to be an effective blended teacher? (Oct. 13)
- Discussed what it really mean to be a blended learning teacher.
- Panel: Blended Learning Teachers: Meghan Jacquot, English teacher,Fusion Academy, California; Haley Hart, Science teacher, EAA, Detroit, Michigan; Jeff Gerlach, 7th Grade Social Studies / Instructional Designer, Michigan Virtual University, Detroit, Michigan; Brian Thornley, Algebra II Honors teacher, Huntley, Illinois; Lesley Farmer, Professor, Librarianship, California State University, Long Beach, California;
- Recording *** Slide Deck
Blended Learning Panel 3: Blended Learning and Leadership. What are the best ways for administrators to support blended learning? (Oct. 20)
- Discussed barriers and solutions to blended learning leadership.
- Panel: Blended Learning Leaders, Administrators and Support Teachers: Anna Gu, Research Assistant, Christensen Institute, California; Anne Pasco, Blended Learning/Ed Tech Department Chair, Huntley High School, Huntley, Illinois; Brian Bridges, Coordinator eLearning Strategies Symposium; California eLearning Census; Travis Phelps, St. Justin Catholic School, San Jose, California.
- Recording *** Slide Deck
Blended Learning Panel 4: Reflections and Insights about Blended Learning. (Oct. 27, 2014)
Discussed key aspects of blended learning including the importance of professional development, and how we need to talk about verbs rather than nouns to better engage learners.
Panel: Andrea Ferrero, Manager, Blended Learning, CFY, NY; Tina Silverstein, Instructional Designer, Alameda County Office of Education, Ca.; Lee Collver-Richards, Teacher, Los Angeles USD, Ca.; Adina Sullivan, Education Technology Coordinator, San Marcos Unified, San Marcos, Ca.; Rob Darrow, CUE / Blended Teacher Network, Ca.
- Recording *** Slides
See the archives from the Fall CUE conference (Oct. 24 and 25) that included blended learning related sessions including:
- Keynote by Lucien Vattel: The Importance of Game Based Learning
- Keynote by Diana Laufenberg: Creating the Classrooms we Need
- The Great iPad vs. Chomebook Showdown 2014
- Launching and Maintaining a Blended Learning Program
- How Good Ideas Spread
- YouTube – Engage, Educate and Inspire Your Students with Powerful Video
- Creating Spoken Word Poetry to Inspire Social Change
- Minecraft Projects for Every Classroom
- Level Up! Classroom Gamification for Even the Non-Gamer
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